Crusader Killgore

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Crusader Killgore is a member of the Vigil found near the crashed helicopter in Xenarius Bayt.


Ruins of Orr

Event involvement[edit]

Event shield (tango icon).png Defend Agent Kurzz while he repairs the downed helicopter (74)


Before Defend Agent Kurzz while he repairs the downed helicopter
Help us keep the Risen away from Kurzz. He's the only one who can get our chopper in the air again.
Talk more option tango.png What happened here anyway?
Our chopper came down on a supply run into Orr. We need Kurzz to make repairs so we can get back in the air.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds dangerous. Good luck.
Talk end option tango.png Will do.
During event
Keep those hostiles away from Kurzz. He's got to finish his repairs so we can fly out of here!
Talk end option tango.png On it!