Crazed Quaggan

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Crazed Quaggan


Enraged Quaggan (no weapon).jpg

While enraged

Interactive map

The Crazed Quaggan is a quaggan trapped in a cave east of Mellaggan's Grotto and is afraid to swim back to his village of Okarinoo because there are barracudas in the water. The cave he found has light and a few rats which he has been eating to satisfy his hunger.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Slash


Are yooOou trapped here, as well?
Talk more option tango.png Trapped? Can't you just swim back to Ookarino?
No! There are mean fish in the water. They bite quaggan! Quaggan's trapped, but it's not so bad.
Talk more option tango.png Not so bad? The only things in here are rocks and rats.
You-you leave quaggan's rats alone! They're quaaagan's!
Talk combat option tango.png Well, maybe I want some rats!
Talk end option tango.png Okay, they're your rats! All yours.
Talk end option tango.png I'll leave you here, then.
Talk end option tango.png Actually, I was just leaving.


Quaggan hungry!
NoOOoo! My rats!


  • If you fight him you'll only kill him, he can't be led back to his home village.