Champion Wasp Soldier

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Champion Wasp Soldier


Interactive map

Champion Wasp Soldier is a powerful wasp that spawns during the Kill the giant wasps in the Ebonhawke Delegation event along with a Champion Wasp Queen.



Event involvement[edit]

Event boss (tango icon).png [Group Event] Kill the giant wasps in the Ebonhawke Delegation (35)

Combat abilities[edit]


DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Sting - Basic melee attack.
  • Sting Flurry - The wasp does a spin, finishing off with a strong attack.
  • Charging Sting - Only used on targets not in melee range. The wasp does a charge towards the target, finishing off with a basic attack.
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack.png Fallen Adventurer's Backpack Container Exotic 1
Fallen Adventurer's Backpack.png Fallen Adventurer's Backpack Container Masterwork 1

See also[edit]