Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Champion Sentient Conduit

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Champion Sentient Conduit

Champion Sentient Conduits are powerful rocky titanspawn of Decima, the Stormsinger found during events.



Event involvement[edit]

Mists Rift (map icon).png [Group Event] TIER 3: Lure out the rift target and defeat it (80)
Mists Rift (map icon).png [Group Event] TIER 2: Lure out the rift target and defeat it (80)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Absorbs Energy
  • Empowers Allies
  • Resolute

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Violent Currents.png Charged - The conduit has become charged after absorbing arcane flux energy from its attacks or an attack form another ally.  Conduits can use this charge to empower themselves or their allies to use powerful skills. (Only when hit by their own electric skills)
  • Arcane Thunderbolt -
  • Arcane Static -
  • Ley-Energy Arc -
Stolen skills


Name Type Rarity Quantity
Janthiri Gear Box.png Janthiri Gear Box Container Exotic 1