Accounts .2601, .2470, .4167.
- Why are you doing this?
I personally find it helpful to track things over time. Ideally it's a fun way to both guide and see improvement. In the worst case writing it up one is a useful exercise for seeing what I struggle with.
- Why would I care about you or this page?
You don't have to - I find it useful to write about and track even if no one else ever reads it.
- When did you start raiding?
Started playing GW2 2021-03; started raiding sometime summer 2021.
- Will you please take down this log?
If you're in a log with me that I'm linking here and someone's being a jerk about it please feel free to edit out. Sorry you're running into that!
- Can I edit this page?
Other than the feedback section, please don't. Yes, I know you can (it's a _wiki_ after all) but this is a user page.
- Have you tried gitting gud, you stupid tryhard?
Working on it bro/sis.
- Why is this log in good/bad?
"good" is relative _for me_. All my logs ever are bad compared to [SC]/[Win]/....
- Raid Academy (
- Snowcrows (
- Have we run together and you've seen something I can do better? Please let me know by adding to section below:
* your edit here
Some various highlight logs, mostly for fun.
- At the time I think this was personal best on dps and Ani was still dumpstering me.
- There's the 32k. Now to make it reliable...
- dps:
- Just can't seem to break 30k. =( Would be little bit easier taking grasp or minions for life force refill, maybe?
- Filling in actually solid static and not totally embarrassing myself
- Pushing was a little rough
- Not actually good, but they invited me back, so... joke's on them?
- This is what happens when you forget to take off single-player/open-world gear (Plaguedoctor).
- obligatory first success pull:
- all engi meme run, got picked while trolling in 10%
- panic at 10%, had to take two seals
Personal notes on Dhuum CM:
- my Dhuum CM pulls got much better when I started paying _less_ attention to the echo. You can't pay zero attention to it, obviously, but I had been falling into trap of focusing on it so much that I was doing dumb stuff with normal Dhuum mechanics. Recognizing the long bounces or those off stack freed up enough attention to avoid derping.
- doing handful of normals with flesh wurm was useful so that I was somewhat used to placing and when to replace (though obviously need to replace less).
- people often seem to have less patience than with some other challenging encounters. It's very easy to get nervous and spiral into making more mistakes; in contrast not being "that guy" who was messing up made those runs way smoother and more fun.
- pslb:
- See the names? This is what being hard carried looks like.
- That Abraxus guy is pretty good at Revenant.
- In good company?
memorable logs[edit]
celebrity sightings[edit]
Turns out all you need to out dps someone from SC/win is (a) for them to carry CC, (b) stiff them on Quickness, and (c) sign on when they're letting their dog play.
low person[edit]
- 5-person Adina:
- 5-person Sabir:
- 6-person QTP:
Newbie Chronotanking[edit]
“There is no right answer Depends on how much BD and toughness you need For a newer tank I’d say 1200-1300 and 25-40% BD is plenty on most fights. I’d go up in toughness for SH and QtP. Once you get comfy you can tank anything with 1005t unless there’s a soulbeast around.
For me I keep 2 toughness infusions in at all times so I’m at 1010, then changing my chest to knight’s moves me to 1151 to beat slb perfectly. The only time I stray away from those two are on SH when I’m around 1800-2k depending on who my Druid is or if another player forces me to have: toughness.
For BD I just have pack runes and conc sigil (25%) and generally get more BD via food/util if needed but the easy swap for tanking is changing anything out for commander’s gear.
The closest to 70% crit chance you can be the better. You’ll get about 10% from spotter/banner and then 20% from fury so that’s crit cap. Any extra stuff can be used as zerk/diviner depending on if you want BD or dps Fights that might require more toughness: VG, SH, Largos(?), QtP
Weapons you should have as tank:
Main-Hands: Sword, Scepter, GS
Off-Hands: Sword, Focus, Pistol, Shield
Remember if taking GS you need to go 121 in domi not the standard 221 Yeah min-maxxing comes into play if you’re diving into raid league or speedclear type goals and you can mathematically find the best gear setup but for general use, just find a way to provide 95%+ quickness consistently and get as much damage as you can while making sure to survive all mechanics comfortably
As a chronotank your job is to control quickness, provide boon support, control the flow of the fight and movement, and finally (often overlooked) not over stress your healer so they can focus on the leeching dps players
— Aizza
“so barrage being interrupted is a massive dps loss. Watch the blink as deaxon is saying. Soulbeast is about timing and making sure you get max value out of sic em. It’s up for 10s so you need to make sure you have 10s of dps time when using it. Also understand that the bench is somewhat RNG due to OWP procs. I actually don’t know how high I got my bench pre nerf in may, but I think it was like 37.2k and I couldn’t bother pushing up to 38k because of OWP rng
Also [@person] power soulbeast is probably the least forgiving rotation soulbeast has imo. So if you mess up your dps tanks harder than the other builds. Condi slb is the easiest and most forgiving as you are MOSTLY off cooldown there, and hybrid is somewhere in between
Also as far as main hand options go: dagger is the most damage overall and most OWP procs, sword is the burstiest (I use this on short phase bosses like sloth but it’s minimal diff), and axe is lowest damage BUT offers range. I use axe/axe on Deimos a lot but NEVER EVER EVER push axe 2 if you take it. It’s axe 3 and autos. Sword is just autos then movement, and dagger is the standard
— Aizza
- it's about understanding the best bang for your buck energy wise
- [ 10:18 PM] essentially icerazor>darkrazor>sw2/4/5>f3>razorclaw
- [ 10:19 PM] f3 and razorclaw are you last use skills to drain energy before swapping to shiro
- [ 10:19 PM] unless it's a large hitbox, then f3 becomes worth it more because it'll hit more times
In shiro you push impossible odds and then sword 2 off cooldown and 1 or 2 sword 4s depending on how much energy you have 240+ on that hitbox page is large hitbox
— Aizza