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Use your skyscale to pick food and deliver it to the starving Kryptis

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Use your skyscale to pick food and deliver it to the starving Kryptis

Interactive map

Interactive map

Use your skyscale to pick food and deliver it to the starving Kryptis is a level 80 Dynamic event that occurs in The Old Settlement.


  • Starving Kryptis Fed
    Event bar.jpg
  • Time before starving Kryptis leave: 8:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Use your Skyscale's  Dash (Skyscale).png Dash through the Loose Vegetation hanging from the trees to get 2 charges of  Spinning Lob.png Throw Food. Doing so may also knock some bundles onto the floor that also grant charges when picked up. Then throw the food to a Starving Kryptis to feed them.





Before the event starts
Starving Kryptis: Rumbles and squawking... My core... Pain...
Starving Kryptis: Must eat or perish...
Cosima: Calm, broodling. We will feast again.
Starving Kryptis: (grumbles)
Event trigger
Cosima: Far, have the broodlings traveled. Feed, they must. Will you help?
Talk ready option.png How should I help?
Talk end option tango.png Not really my specialty, sorry.
Event start
Cosima: Champion of the little lord? I accept your help.
Cosima: Search for vegetation. Sustenance is scarce.
Cosima: The hive will starve if you fail.
Feeding a Starving Kryptis, one of the two following
Starving Kryptis: (munches) Fuller!
Starving Kryptis: Peitha bring us food...?
Starving Kryptis: We feast!
Starving Kryptis: (munches) Energy returns! (munches)
Starving Kryptis: This will do. (munches)
Starving Kryptis: (munches)
Event success
Cosima: Peitha has chosen her followers well! We feast!
Cosima: We thank you, champion. You are a good minion.
Event failure
Cosima: Disappointment is what I feel.
Cosima: Not all your failing. Food is scarce.
Cosima: Though I worry now that the hive will flee and search on their own...
Cosima: Scattered. Likely to be consumed themselves.

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