Talk:Champion Blademaster Cellona
Overview of encounter on Reddit[edit]
For science, we tried to bring Blademaster Cellona down Overview of fighting her, for anyone who wants to transcribe it. Vahkris (talk) 22:34, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
- As the only record we have of this, I'm posting this here because, after reddit changed their system recently, the link can no longer be reached. I had to dig the post out of google's cache, and that won't last forever. IMO, the chain is bugged, perhaps intentionally so that the last step can't be reached because it was never finished. SarielV
02:15, 9 September 2018 (UTC)
Down in the southern area of Auric Basin, there is a neat boss Mordrem Guard named Blademaster Cellona. Regardless of her provocations, she never comes down, but since she is a well-designed champion, accompanied by 4 named pets, I decided on my last AB meta to see if there is a possible way to spawn her. Here are my results. If anyone good enough could put it up on wiki, I will feel like my job was worth it.
I say from here, a Giant THANK YOU to everyone who joined and helped; it was a lot of fun.
1st phase : After activating the Morwood Wilds Southwatch Pylon, another set of unrelated pylon events started. This was what set me to do this. Shortly after you finish activating this pylon, Cellona brings up a Monocot - a champion with a super-tough breakbar - that will walk unceasingly towards the blighted saplings to restore them. If he reaches all 3, the event is failed, and the meta rewinds to the previous point where you need to kill all blighted saplings.
If you manage to break its bar though, it stops and, instead of walking towards the blighted sapling, it will start attacking the players. If you want to take this set of events forward, kill the monocot before he reaches the first sapling.
2nd phase : 3 minutes after the first monocot is down, Cellona spawns another 2 champions : A monocot, and a dicot, This is not unusual, and I had seen it before. My plan was to past up from this. Now, the deal is the same : Kill the champs before they reach the blighted saplings, BUT, if the first monocot restored one sapling, they will head straight towards the 2nd sapling. Focus on breaking the bar of only one of the 'Cots; breaking the bar of one makes both stop to fight the players. Kill both together, because if one dies, there is a timer of 1 minute before it insta-heals. They only die if both die within the 1 minute mark.
3rd phase: Cellona provokes us commanders and says to her pets they'll have their time. After another 3 minutes, she spawns a set of 3 champs: A monocot, a dicot, and a |tricot. - Total pressure. They are not easy either to break or to kill, and just like before, it's needed to kill all within the 1 minute mark. We managed to do it; they took 2 of the trees, and we killed them on the walk to the last.
After 1 hour or so of doing these events, we were happy for just making it that far. We killed the trio, and then in 1 minute after the trio died, Cellona spawns a..... Monocot.
We killed it again, and within 3 minutes the duo (Dicot+Monocot) spawned.
I can't say I am sad, it was fun to rally a lot of ppl together and try this little experiment. But after all, regardless of Cellona having 4 named pets, a pretty unique design, and the Mono-, Di- and Tricot having a unique boss map icon not used anywhere else - Cellona is just a placeholder NPC with some dialogues. It is sad, and I really would like to have some insight from a dev to explain what's the story behind her - if she were cut off for some reason, or whatever happened.
I've made this post with the intent of pulling someone that knows how to edit the wiki to put the info up. I took some picture of Cellona too, since the one on wiki isn't pretty good:
~TL;DR : Blademaster Cellona will NOT come down or spawn, regardless of the post pylon events, but the Mono, Di and Tricots are a lot of fun in case you want some soft challenge.
Ending : In the end, Cellona had the last laugh.
Thank you for everyone who helped :)