Speed of Sand/history
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July 16, 2019
- Speed of Sand: Instead of granting superspeed when dodging, this trait instead causes Mirage Cloak to grant +66% movement speed.
Speed of Sand
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“— In-game description
March 05, 2019
- Speed of Sand: Superspeed's duration has been reduced to match Mirage Cloak's duration.
Speed of Sand
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Speed of SandGain Superspeed when you gain Mirage Cloak.
- Superspeed ( ¾s): Movement speed is greatly increased. Maximum duration: 10s
— In-game description
Original version
Speed of Sand
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Speed of SandGain Superspeed when you gain Mirage Cloak.
- Superspeed (1s): Movement speed is greatly increased. Maximum duration: 10s
— In-game description