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Soumurrasou is a quaggan found by Vonooroovah keeping an eye out for sharks.
- Bloodtide Coast
- Archen Foreland (As an event runner)
- Sorrowful Sound
Event involvement[edit]
- Kill the Deep Sea Shark (46) [Group Event]
- Oho! You startled quaggan!
- Quaggan is on lookout for huooOOooge shark.
- Foo! Those are little sharks, smaller than quaggan. HuoooOOooge shark is bigger than three quaggans! Four, maybe!
- HuuoOOoge sharks comes from the dark water to quaggans' village for food! Quaggans think huooOOoge sharks are smelling hurt fish here.
- Quaggans have stopped hurting fish and so the huooOOooge sharks have been staying away. Quaggan would appreciate it if you didn't hurt any fish!
- OooOOOoooo! Then you will have to help quaggans when huooOOooge shark come to eat quaggans?
- I will try.
I came for blood. I'll have it at your peril or mine.
- I'll do no harm. Thank you for your advice.
I suppose it's possibe. Can I help?
- Best of luck. I have to go.
Big sharks live in the deep sea, not by the shore.
- That's a lot of quaggans! I'm out of here!
There are plenty of sharks around here.
Sorry, I wanted to know what you're doing up here?
- My apologies. I'll be on my way now.