Recover the Revered Terebinth from the Nightmare Court

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Recover the Revered Terebinth from the Nightmare Court

Interactive map

Interactive map

Recover the Revered Terebinth from the Nightmare Court is a level 17 dynamic event that occurs in Nemeton Grove.


  • Nightmare Court occupiers: xx%
  • Veteran Nightmare Court Kennelmaster
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Nightmare Hounds killed: x/2


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 682 Experience.png 95 Karma 22 Copper coin
Silver 580 Experience.png 81 Karma 19 Copper coin
Bronze 512 Experience.png 71 Karma 17 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 17 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Nightmare Defiler: This tree will bear bitter fruit. It will be a taste that all tongues will crave.
Nightmare Corruptor: Blood and suffering will feed its roots and bend it to our purpose. It will be glorious.
Nightmare Defiler: Prepare yourself. Our ritual is nearly ready.
Nightmare Corruptor: Water it in blood. Infuse it with pain. Bend it to our cause.
Nightmare Defiler: Darkness and doubt. Shadows and sacrifice. Bitter fruit all of us to taste.
During event
Nightmare Defiler: This tree is strong. It shall endure. And it will suffer for centuries.
Nightmare Corruptor: Steep it the blood of the innocent. Infuse it with the pain of our prisoners.
Nightmare Defiler: Its roots are deep, entwining with our court. United, cold, creeping, and forever.
Nightmare Corruptor: Poison the soil. Blacken the land. Ripen its bitter fruit. Make its growth come from death.
Upon success
Gardener Marithelle: The Nightmare Court may be gone, but their corruption lingers. Gardeners, let us cleanse the Terebinth.
(All three gardeners mend the Terebinth tree, then turn to bow to the player.)
Gardener Marithelle: You have our lasting gratitude for helping to recover the Revered Terebinth. The Nightmare Court will taste bitter defeat this day.


  • Wyld Hunt Valiants will join from Watchful Source if you talk to NPCs there during the event.
  • Success of this event resets the event chain.
  • The Revered Terebinth will apply the Throw Spikeroot Fruit.png Nightmare Terebinth effect to you during the event.