Quora Sorrowmuzzle
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Quora Sorrowmuzzle is a charr near Storm Caller Triumph who shares the story of Stormcaller.
- If charr
- Stand proud before this testament to our victory over human occupation.
- In all its glory. The enchanted horn the human tyrant, Rurik, sounded to summon lightning and death down upon our great hero, Bonfaaz Burntfur.
- The conniving Ascalonians, unable to defeat us through force of arms, sneaked around behind us and summoned lethal magic with this horn.
- It was a terrible day. Good-bye.
They say Rurik's attack was nothing but a cowardly ambush.
- Interesting.
So this is the legendary Stormcaller?
- I have somewhere to be.
- If human
- You. Human. Stand humbled before this testament to our great victory over your ancestors' merciless occupation.
- Stormcaller, the enchanted horn. Long ago, your tyrant blew into the horn and summoned lightning and death down upon our great hero, Bonfaaz Burntfur.
- Merely a setback. Though near death, we rose yet again to erect this Citadel atop Ascalonian graves. The same ground where our ancestors died so heroically.
- It is a reminder that even the mighty Stormcaller could not defeat us. It stands as a testament to anyone who would oppose us, that we are invincible.
- Only the charr could find victory amidst the ashes of defeat. Good-bye.
That sounds more like survival than victory.
- I'll be on my way.
Then isn't this an icon of charr defeat?
- Civility is always the first casualty of war. Good-bye.
What is it?
- I actually have no interest in this.
- If not human or charr
- Stand in awe before this testament to the heroic charr victory over human occupation.
- Stormcaller, the enchanted horn. The human tyrant, Rurik, sounded this instrument of evil to call lightning and death down upon our great hero, Bonfaaz Burntfur.
- It was a treacherous ambush. The conniving Ascalonians were unable to defeat us through force of arms. So they sneaked around behind us and summoned a cruel dark magic with this horn.
- The human, Prince Rurik, summoned a torrent of bloody rain from the skies. Our brave forces stood no chance against the craven evil unleashed by the coward.
- It was a short lived defeat. We rose again and prevailed. Now, with the Citadel erected on Ascalonian graves, it gives fair warning to our enemies that we can never be defeated.
- Interesting. See you around
It seems like an icon of defeat. Why display it?
- It seems there is never any honor in war. Good-bye.
What sort of magic?
- Sadly, history is rife with such tales. Good-bye.
So this was some great battle between the charr and the humans?
- I see. Good-bye.
What is it?
- I actually have no interest in this.