Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

Novvi's Science Journals (Annotated)

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Novvi's Science Journals (Annotated)

Book (red).jpg

Weight of the World
(Daigo Ward)

Novvi's Science Journals (Annotated) is a book located in Joon's Mansion during the Weight of the World story step. It is required for the A Woman of Culture achievement.

Story involvement[edit]

End of Dragons story[edit]


Novvi's Science Journals (Annotated)

A copy of the text "Novvi's Science Journals" with several notes scribbled in the margins. They seem to be rather critical of the text's proposed theories.

Novvi's Science Journals (aka Who Needs Data When You Have Conspiracy Theories?)

Revision IX (How many times do you need to convince us you're an idiot?)

This book belongs to: (Don't drag me into this!)

As we have so often been taught, or more appropriately, inundated (Oh, here we go...) by the mainstream scientific community, energy can be neither created nor destroyed within an isolated system. Let us assume, for a moment, that this accepted "law" of thermodynamics is true. Then, dear reader, I posit you a question... (The suspense is simply killing me!)

How can we continue to make claims in support of renewable energy when it is, in fact, a direct contradiction of this thermodynamic principle? (YOU'RE KIDDING, RIGHT? Let's see you try and support this word guano...)

Although a cursory search of many of physics' brightest minds echoes my same skepticism, (Sources, or do I just take your word for it?) so-called "prestigious" scientific journals consistently reject their studies. These elitist gatekeepers of publication cry foul at the idea of their own fragilely constructed theories being threatened. (Or maybe the approval board noticed the glaring flaws in your studies' methodology) So much for fostering a "safe haven" for the inquiry and critical thought vital to the study of science! (Your overuse of quotes is "irritating.")

The critiques appear to continue on for several pages.

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