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Mr. Razor, the Loudmouth

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Mr. Razor, the Loudmouth

Mr. Razor, the Loudmouth is a shark in Tumultuous Sea. He talks at great length about strength, tradition, and trial by combat. However his name of "loudmouth" seems to indicate this is a lot of bluster, especially given how well he takes instruction.

He can be found north-west of Dead Lovers Rock as part of the Gettin' the Crew Together achievement. He only appears after completing the Kill the leviathan event.




While under the effect of Feline Fury.png Animal Tongue

You have demonstrated great strength. I will follow your lead at this time, as tradition dictates, though my teeth ache with the urge to rip out your throat and gorge upon your warm corpse.
Talk collection option.png Well, I do need a strong swimmer...
Your word shall be as law to me, until such time as I prove my superiority by defeating you in combat.
Talk collection option.png That's fine, but I'll need you to listen to Ms. Jeeves for this.
I will obey whomever you command, until such time I deem you too weak to lead and challenge your authority in battle.
Talk collection option.png Okay. Find her in the bear village...and maybe stay out of sight.
Why? Do these bears seek to test my strength? I will do as you say, but if I am confronted ans asked to engage in ritual combat, I will not hesitate to accept.
Talk collection option.png Okay...
Talk end option tango.png This is a bad idea...

After recruiting him

I will soon free a lesser creature from the burden of living and swiftly partake of its cooling innards. Once I am sated, I will travel southward to serve as you've instructed.
Talk end option tango.png Sounds good.

During the heist briefing

Were this fish not an integral part of this criminal endeavor, I would devour him simply to cease his prattle. He does not look appetizing...but he refuses to give me even a moment's peace!
Talk more option tango.png You'll be heading out soon...
When this is finished, not only must I challenge you to prove my superiority, but I must also exact my revenge for being paired with this obnoxious blatherer. Your day will come, mark my words.
Talk end option tango.png Right. Well. See you then, I guess.

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