Moot Master Merulf

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Moot Master Merulf


Interactive map

Moot Master Merulf is the host of the Moot at Kyesjard.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Event involvement[edit]

Event cog (tango icon).png Protect the beer kegs from drunken skritt (52)


Welcome to my moot. Have a drink and enjoy the fun.
Talk more option tango.png What's on tap here?
I've outdone myself with this year's ales. Tap a keg and try! Please don't share with our little skritt friends, though.
Talk more option tango.png Surely a little beer couldn't hurt them?
I don't mind skritt at the moot, but my ale is too strong for such small creatures. Best to keep them from the kegs.
Talk more option tango.png Some of them look as if they've already had a few.
Seems like someone always thinks it's funny to give some to the little guys. That's when the trouble usually start.
Talk end option tango.png No beer for the skritt. Got it.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks. I'll watch out for them.
Talk more option tango.png There sure seem to be a lot of skritt at this party. (same as above)
Talk end option tango.png No problem. More for me.
Talk end option tango.png Thanks for the hospitality, friend. Don't mind if I do.
During Protect the beer kegs from drunken skritt
Stop those skritt from destroying our beer!
Talk more option tango.png I don't understand...why are they attacking the kegs?
Seems they got a taste of my ale. It's too strong for those little rodents. Now they're trying to bust my kegs wide open.
Talk end option tango.png That's terrible.
Talk end option tango.png Oh no, the beer!