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Lithuna is a Vigil soldier in Malchor's Leap who speaks of the ancient Orrian city, Bayt Fallahin.
- It's incredible. Even 250 years on the bottom of the sea couldn't erase the miracle that was Fallahin.
- This is Fallahin, all around you. Or rather, this once was Fallahin. One of the largest cities in Orr. They say this place used to buzz 24 hours a day.
- Most places in Orr, you'd never find a nobleman at a pub, elbow to elbow with a farmer. But in Fallahin, that's just the way it was. It wasn't uncommon to catch a whiff of cologne mingled with manure.
- I guess the city was large enough, if you didn't like the person next to you at the bar, you could always find a dozen other places to get the ale what cures you.
- Who knows? It was 250 years ago. Maybe they had a premonition about what was coming and decided life was too short to waste on being mean. I'd like to think maybe they were just good at heart.
- I'd like to think so, too.
So the classes got along because they were too lazy to move?
Why was that?
- Sounds like a great place.
What made Fallahin so special?
What's Fallahin?
- It's amazing any trace of Orr survived that long.