Keep the Lupikids safe from the drake

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Keep the Lupikids safe from the drake

Interactive map

Interactive map

Keep the Lupikids safe from the drake is a level 30 event that occurs in Lake Bounty.


  • Aggressive Drake
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 1,346 Experience.png 153 Karma 36 Copper coin
Silver 1,144 Experience.png 131 Karma 30 Copper coin
Bronze 1,009 Experience.png 115 Karma 27 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 30 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





After completion of Protect the Lupikids as they search for treasure
Maw Loudsnarl: Hey, guys? I think there's something coming this way.
Zadda: We don't have time for games right now. We are tabulating our treasure!
Maw Loudsnarl: No, really! It's big, and it's heading this way! Fast!
After defeating the Drake
Mykel Watts: That was epic! We did it!
Irin Watts: Children! What are you doing out here? I was worried sick.
Chub: Uh-oh. Now, we're in trouble.
Mykel Watts: Rumps in gear, adventurers! We're going home.
Irin Watts: Thank you so much for protecting the children. They can be such a handful.