Help Rupek and Porgar deliver water to their village

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Help Rupek and Porgar deliver water to their village

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Rupek and Porgar deliver water to their village is a level 45 event in Unbroken Expanse.


  • x/2 Water Jugs Intact


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,963 Experience.png 221 Karma 51 Copper coin
Silver 2,518 Experience.png 188 Karma 44 Copper coin
Bronze 2,222 Experience.png 166 Karma 39 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 45 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Upon event start
Rupek: Time to go, before we have more trouble.
Porgar: Next time, somebody else should do this.
Rupek: Grawl guts! If the only job left is gobbling up old garbage, I'd rather carry water.
Porgar: Wait, do you hear that?
Rupek: Oh no! Maybe they didn't see us.
Ogre Bully: Awww, look. Sissy little ogres with water for their sissy little pets. But those jugs look so heavy! How 'bout we lighten your load?
Porgar: They saw us.
During the event
Porgar: Stupid harpies! Go screech at someone else! (if below 50% health)
Rupek: Ouch! That hurts! Stop that. Now! (if below 50% health)
Upon event completion
Porgar: We made it, sister!
Rupek: Yes! Let's get this water into the troughs so we can take a break.
Upon event failure
Porgar: Not fair. Now, I have to carry all the water!
Rupek: Water's all gone. Time to run!