Hazen Scalebrush

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Hazen Scalebrush


Interactive map

Hazen Scalebrush is the assistant of Braxa Scalehunter. He is tasked with harvesting the eggs laid by the devourer queens and to look out for any Flame Legion raiders looking to steal the eggs.



Event involvement[edit]

Event collect (tango icon).png Gather devourer eggs for Scalecatch Village (54)


Looking after these devourer queens is a hard day of work, so I don't really have time for small talk.
(If you have Devourer Eggs in your inventory)
Talk give option tango.png I found these eggs.
Thanks, I'll make sure Braxa gets these to Scalecatch Village.
Talk end option tango.png You're welcome.
Talk more option tango.png What are you doing?
I work for Braxa Scalehunter, keeping her devourer queens safe and healthy. I also help with the egg harvest.
Talk more option tango.png You're looking after those monsters?
The eggs they lay are quite valuable. Besides, those "monsters" have been hand-reared by Braxa herself. They're harmless. Just stay away from their nests.
Talk more option tango.png What's with the nests?
The nests usually have a lot of eggs inside. But if you plan on taking any, you better be quick.
Talk more option tango.png Do you want help collecting the eggs?
That would be great. Just bring them to me or Braxa and we'll take care of them.
Talk more option tango.png Anything I should be aware of?
Those Flame Legion rodents. They're more nuisance than dangerous...always trying to kill queens or loot nests to get at the eggs.
Talk more option tango.png Why are the Flame Legion taking eggs?
Starvation. The Iron Legion struck and took out their shaman. They don't know what to do with themselves now, except starve and die.
Talk more option tango.png You want me to kill some for you?
I would love for you to kill any that you see. Particularly the sneaky ones that creep into the nests and run away.
Talk more option tango.png Why are they messing with the nests? (Same as "What's with the nests?" above)
Talk end option tango.png Sure.
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk more option tango.png Want me to deal with them? (Same as "You want me to kill some for you?" above)
Talk end option tango.png Interesting.
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk more option tango.png Some of the nests already look disturbed. Who did that? (Same as "Those Flame Legion rodents. They're more..." above)
Talk end option tango.png Okay.
Talk more option tango.png Do you want help collecting the eggs? (Same as above)
Talk end option tango.png Right.
Talk more option tango.png What do you keep them safe from? (Same as "Those Flame Legion rodents. They're more..." above)
Talk end option tango.png I see.
Talk more option tango.png These devourer queens are monsters. We should destroy them. (Same as "You're looking after those monsters?" above)
Talk end option tango.png Sorry.