Living World Season 4 content

Hat Trick

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Hat Trick is an achievement that is part of the "War Eternal" Mastery meta-achievement.

The associated Legendary creatures only appear during the second phase of the Engage Kralkatorrik event.


Hat Trick War Eternal 3Achievement points
Defeat 3 legendary creatures during the final assault against Kralkatorrik in Dragonfall.
Objectives: 3 objectives in total
  • Legendary Branded Hydra
  • Legendary Branded Riftstalker Matriarch
  • Legendary Death-Branded Wrathbringer
Defeated 1 Legendary Creature in Dragonfall 1Achievement points
Defeated 2 Legendary Creatures in Dragonfall 1Achievement points
Defeated 3 Legendary Creatures in Dragonfall 1Achievement points


Objective Notes


  • A hat trick is term used most commonly in soccer and ice hockey to describe the scoring of three goals by a single player.