Give Orson components for his ettin-proof suit

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Give Orson components for his ettin-proof suit

Event maps
Give Orson components for his ettin-proof suit.jpg

Interactive map

Interactive map

Give Orson components for his ettin-proof suit is a level 39 dynamic event that occurs in Demon's Maw.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 2,161 Experience.png 194 Karma 45 Copper coin
Silver 1,837 Experience.png 165 Karma 38 Copper coin
Bronze 1,621 Experience.png 146 Karma 34 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 39 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Orson: Hey, Venpa, I have a brilliant idea for dealing with the ettins—
Venpa: No, not interested. Not in another one of your stupid plans.
Orson: I'm going to make an ettin disguise and use their refuse to make it seem more real.
Venpa: That's a terrible idea! And...and...gross!
Orson: I just need something to help me blend in. It'll work, just wait and see!
Collecting refuse
Orson: Bring me as much ettin refuse as you can get your hands on!
Turning refuse in
Orson: Ugh, disgusting. It's perfect!
Orson: That's enough. I'll just take any stragglers, and sure as Melandru made little green apples, I'll do it this time!