Frightened Protester

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Frightened Protester


Interactive map

Frightened Protesters are generic Asura NPCs found east of Dr. Bleent's Encampment. Several small groups of protesters can be seen cowering, surrounded by Enthralled Oozes that have become mesmerized by the lights on their Protesting Signs. Players can talk to them to receive a sign that can be used to turn the oozes hostile and kill them, which will progress the Help Hrouda maintain the ecosystem in spite of Dr. Bleent's research renown heart.


Maguuma Jungle

Heart involvement[edit]

Complete heart (map icon).png Help Hrouda maintain the ecosystem in spite of Dr. Bleent's research (8)


You've come to help me? Thank the Alchemy! But, first, get these things away from me!
Talk more option tango.png And just how should I do that?
(If not holding a Protesting Sign, the player will receive one at this point)
They're attracted to the lights on these protest signs. Take one, and smack them around! Right now! GO!
Talk end option tango.png Activism!
(If already holding a sign)
Ahh, umm, uhh,'ve got a protest sign! Hit them with that!
Talk end option tango.png Can do!