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Director Camillus

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Director Camillus


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Director Camillus is the leader of the Astral Ward's fractal research division.


Horn of Maguuma


Beacon of Ages Command Center
I'm Director Camillus, head of the ward's fractal research division. I'm sure you have many questions about our work, and I will try to answer the ones I can.
Talk more option tango.png Have the fractals actually been useful?
Director Camillus: Extremely useful. I personally believe it is our most important area of research.
Director Camillus: For many problems, it is difficult to see the solutions in advance, but easy in hindsight, after it's too late to fix it.
Director Camillus: But the fractals allow us to learn from mistakes we didn't actually make.
Director Camillus: That knowledge is essential in preventing those mistakes we can't afford to make.
Talk more option tango.png Why did they have to have real people in them?
Director Camillus: Originally, the wizards tried simulated beings—approximations that could experience life, but could not suffer from it.
Director Camillus: But without that element, they didn't act like they would in our world. The data held no predictive power.
Director Camillus: Each aspect of real beings was needed: their freedom, their strength. And yes, even their suffering. It was the only way.
Talk more option tango.png What happens to a fractal once you're done?
Director Camillus: The wizards have the ability to... well, for lack of a better term, to pause experiments.
Director Camillus: They are then kept in that frozen state in case they are needed later. That way, no additional harm comes to them.
Talk more option tango.png What will happen to the people in the fractals after this?
Director Camillus: We will help them to survive this ordeal as best as we can. But after? Ultimately, that will be up to them.
Director Camillus: As long as we could keep them in their fractals, that was the most humane approach. But that is no longer possible.
Director Camillus: They are living beings, as real as you or I, and they deserve the right to choose their own paths forward.
(During Mother of Stars (unconfirmed))
Talk quest option tango.png How do you live with the cost of it all?
Director Camillus: The same way that you do, Commander. I've watched your career with admiration, seen the choices you've had to make.
Director Camillus: You know, as I do, that the right thing to do is rarely clean. There are always consequences, and many of them severe.
Director Camillus: I've spent a long time on this problem, and this is our best option. Part of leading is accepting the cost of that choice.
Director Camillus: The truth it, as high as the price is to learn what we've learned, I've never regretted it.
Talk quest choice tango.png That's a good way to think about it.
Director Camillus: It brings me no joy, but what feels right and what is right aren't always the same. You know that as well as anyone.
Talk quest choice tango.png I still don't think it's justified.
Director Camillus: That is your right. We each try our best to do the right thing, and we leave it to history to decide if we succeeded.
Talk quest choice tango.png I don't envy your position, having to decide these things.
Director Camillus: Ah, but someone must. You've faced those choices yourself. You're likely to again.
Talk end option tango.png I don't have any questions right now.