Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Destroy pollutants, and cover yourself in rot and get examined by the ward

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Destroy pollutants, and cover yourself in rot and get examined by the ward

Interactive map

Interactive map

Destroy pollutants, and cover yourself in rot and get examined by the ward is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs at Autumn's Vale, around the Runoff Taint point of interest.


  • Debris and Pollutants destroyed: 0/13
  • Rot Magic Examined
  • Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Time before the rot sets in and diplomacy fails: 10:00


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


  • For the first objective, destroy the Debris and Rotten Fish objects on the area.
  • For the second objective, step into a puddle of rot to gain the effects Toxic Gas.png Covered in Rot and Mounts Disabled.png No Mount Use. Then walk to the gathering area to remove it and progress the bar. If you enter the river the effect will be removed.





  • Rotting Fish
  • Debris


Before the event starts
Passing Twilight: The fishers have noticed more pollution than before coming from upriver.
Passing Twilight: Where the river stagnates, the rot sets in.
Bitter Frost: It is the outsiders. They dump their refuse in our waters with no concern for us.
Passing Twilight: Perhaps. And if they do, we will put a stop to it. But we must not be hasty.
Bitter Frost: You will see it for yourself, then.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: The readings came from this area. More concentrated this time. Fan out and get me some samples.
Passing Twilight: Halt. Return to where you came from, child of the bitter wind. You are not welcome until we clear the rot from our land.
Bitter Frost: You poison our waters with your recklessness and greed. You will never be welcome here!
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: You think the ward did this? There's foul magic at play here, but it's definitely not ours.
Passing Twilight: It is always magic with your kind. You meddle with the forces of our land without understanding them.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: Wayfinder, can you help us out here? Clear the water while we clear the air, yeah?
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: We don't have anything to gather the sample in, so you may have to just... step in it. Not great, I know.
Destroying 4/13 debris
Passing Twilight: Hm. It seems your kind is capable of undoing some damage, at least.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: You hear that, Wayfinder? We're making progress.
Depositing Rot Magic, one of the following
Astral Ward Medic: Try not to breathe too much of that in, all right?
Astral Ward Medic: We'll have to give you a thorough checkup after this is done.
At 5:00 time remaining
Passing Twilight: I tire of this distraction, outsiders.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: You said it. Uh, Wayfinder? Think we could hurry it up at all?
Event success
Passing Twilight: It seems you are not the cause of this danger. Perhaps we have been hasty.
Bitter Frost: What? But you can't—
Passing Twilight: We will return to our leaders with this information. That is all for now.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: Well, I doubt that's the last we'll hear of it, but I'll take what I can get.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: We'll get these samples analyzed as quickly as possible. Thank you, Wayfinder.
Event failure
Passing Twilight: Enough! Our talk is finished. We will handle this problem ourselves.
Bitter Frost: And you will leave.
Lieutenant Elli Horidottir: With me, ward. We'll have to get these readings some other way.


  • The event resets after about 10 minutes, but because the kodan walk from across the wooden bridge to get to the event location, if it has collapsed it won't spawn until Event collect (tango icon).png Collect driftwood to help repair the bridge (80) has been completed and the bridge rebuilt.