Defeat the Ascalonian ghost leader in Abbey Ruins

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Defeat the Ascalonian ghost leader in Abbey Ruins

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat the Ascalonian ghost leader in Abbey Ruins is a level 10 dynamic event that occurs in Abbey Ruins.


  • The Prophet
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 472 Experience.png 63 Karma 14 Copper coin
Silver 402 Experience.png 54 Karma 12 Copper coin
Bronze 354 Experience.png 48 Karma 11 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 10 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Maris Spiritbane: Grab your weapons!
Loculus Wildbane: Holdin'!
Varian Ironbane: Holdin'!
Veteran The Prophet: The power of Ascalon is unimaginable. Oppose it, and meet your doom.
Maris Spiritbane: Light 'em up!
Loculus Wildbane: Smokin'!
Varian Ironbane: Smokin'!
Maris Spiritbane: Let's show this ghost how the charr do things... torch it!
During event
Veteran The Prophet: The weak only strive to be weaker.
Veteran The Prophet: If you fear defeat, this is not the battle for you.
Veteran The Prophet: If death is my fate, I shall meet it with fervor.
Veteran The Prophet: We shall...return.
Event success
Maris Spiritbane: Good thing someone else showed up to help. You two are worthless. Back to camp!


  • Success of this event resets the event chain.


  • The words spoken by the Bane warband before fighting the Prophet are a reference to Ghostbusters. "Grab your stick" was changed to "Grab your weapons", "Heat 'em up!" to "light 'em up!" and "Throw it!" to "Torch it!"