Collect dolyak meat for Gareth

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Collect dolyak meat for Gareth

Interactive map

Interactive map

Collect dolyak meat for Gareth is a level 7 event that occurs in Taigan Groves.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 403 Experience.png 50 Karma 11 Copper coin
Silver 343 Experience.png 43 Karma 10 Copper coin
Bronze 303 Experience.png 38 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 7 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event pre
Gareth: Bear's teeth, I can't start up this smokehouse and watch these kids at the same time.
Henna: Daaaaad! He won't let me pour honey in his hair.
Gareth: And my wife? Off on another adventure. Bear only knows when she'll be back.
Henna: Daaaaad! Do you see where I left my pants?
Gareth: And all that meat out there, begging to be cured.
Event start and during the event
Gareth: Wife gone. Kids need watching. And I need to hunt. How is this going to work?
After all the meat is collected
Gareth: Ah, it's a bounty! I'll need to start the smoker immediately.
Gareth: This will make a fine jerky, Kids! I've got your lunch right here.
Event completion
Gareth: Time to crank up the old smokehouse.