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Collect chak energy and defend the battery

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Collect chak energy and defend the battery

Interactive map

Interactive map

Collect chak energy and defend the battery is a level 80 dynamic event that occurs in Rata Novus Promenade.


  • Energy Harvested
    Event bar empty2.jpg
  • Ley-Line Energy Collector
    Event bar.jpgEvent shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Chak will converge on the Ley-Line Energy Collector and attack it. You have to attack them and when their health drops, use  Collect Chak Energy.png Collect Chak Energy on them to subdue them. Fill the energy bar before they destroy the collector.






Event start
Biomancer Krenna: You'll need to, uh... subdue them so that we can extract the ley-line magic they've been gathering.
Biomancer Krenna: But don't kill them! No chak means no energy, and then the whole city would shut down!
During the event
Biomancer Krenna: We're making progress! Oh and you've got some chitin on your face.
Biomancer Krenna: Just look at all that energy! Did you know this harvesting station is the heartbeat of Rata... I said that already.
If you kill a chak
Biomancer Krenna: You're just supposed to subdue them! We need them alive!
If the Ley-Line Energy Collector reaches 50% health
Biomancer Krenna: Protect the extractor! Without it, we have no way to gather the energy!
Event success
Biomancer Krenna: Hey, you did it! Another successful harvest on the books. You're a lot more resilient than my other helpers, you know?
Biomancer Krenna: You wouldn't happen to have any interest in becoming my new assitant, would you? No? Well, I had to try.
Event failure
Biomancer Krenna: Oh, no, no, no... This isn't nearly enough, and they're all going to blame me.
Biomancer Krenna: I should have just gotten a nice job in a lab, like Mom said...

Related achievements[edit]


  • The event chain resets 5 minutes after its last success or failure.