Character Jump Start

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Character Jump Start.png

Character Jump Start

Character Jump Start banner.jpg

Gem Store banner.

Looking to start a new character and need to make sure it's super efficient and equipped? Here's everything you need in one pack with a big discount for thinking ahead.

— In-game description

Character Jump Start was a Gem Store bundle.


Vendor Area Zone Cost
Gem Store/historical Gem Store (vendor currently unavailable) 3,500 Gem



  • The patch notes for its release incorrectly stated it having 4 bag slot expansions, when in actuality it only had 3.
  • The contents of this package purchased individually cost a total of 6,170 Gem.
  • Values of the items:
Item Price
Transmutation Charge (item).pngTransmutation Charge (10) 270 GemIf buying 10 pack or 240 GemIf buying 25 at once, adjusted for 10 value
Experience Booster.pngExperience Booster (10) 900 GemIf buying sets of 5 2x or 800 GemIf valued at half the 20 pack
Bag Slot Expansion.pngBag Slot Expansion (3) 1,200 Gem
Set of 3 Gather-r-Tron Tools.pngSet of 3 Gather-r-Tron Tools 3,000 GemIf buying each tool on its own or 2,700 GemIf compared to normal tool packs or 2,400 GemIf compared to basic tools
Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic.pngCopper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic 800 Gem
In total: 6,170 GemUsing maximum value or 5,440 GemUsing minimum value or 4,400 GemCounting just the bag, tool, and salvage upgrades

Gem Store history[edit]