User:TEF/Market Watch/Achievement Points

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How Much are Achievement Points Worth?[edit]

Each Achievement Point is worth between 69 Copper coin and 11 Silver coin 79 Copper coin, or on average Silver coin 65 Copper coin. About half that value is from the coin received on reaching each milestone and another sixth is from the gems received.

This suggests that, in general, unless you are very close to a Massive Achievement Chest milestone, it's not worth it to use waypoints or walk just to pick up 1-2 points. It's definitely not worth going out of your way to maximize things like slayer achievements, unless you are multitasking, e.g. watching TV while killing ambient creatures with a focus.

At the same time, it means it's very much worth the effort to try out new activities during Living World events, because you can pick up extra points just for zoning.


Pending enough time to post the details.

Plausibility, i.e. the Naive Analysis[edit]

It is difficult to place a value on some of the benefits of earning achievement points.

  • Over long periods of time, extra experience, magic & gold find, and karma can turn into something valuable, but over the short term, they aren't worth much at the level of APs most people will earn.
  • Under any circumstances, the value of the non-liquid assets in the chests will depend greatly on the person: 500 Badges of Honor is worth a lot of time (and therefore money) to someone trying to finish off a legendary weapon, but not nearly as helpful to someone who has already outfitted all their characters with exotic & ascended gear. The value of boosters and instant-repair kits can diverge even more: if you don't die in fractals frequently, a repair canister is worth maybe 14 Silver coin; to those who die a lot far from repair services, they are invaluable.

There are only three items that are easy to evaluate in terms of benefits:

  • CoinGold coin is the smallest benefit, 30 Gold coin is reserved for the massive tiers.
  • Gems— 400 Gem, but only for the massive chest. I've valued them at 33 Gold coin/100 Gem.
  • Laurels — I've valued these at 36 Silver coin, based on 18 Silver coin/Unidentified Dye and getting 10 dyes/5 laurels.


  • The ordinary tier (every 500 points) threshhold has a minimum value of Gold coin/500Achievement points or 20 Copper coin/Achievement points;
  • The massive tier is worth no less than 46 Gold coin 80 Silver coin/500Achievement points or Silver coin 36 Copper coin/Achievement points
  • Averaging over 5,000 points, the values are 57 Gold coin 68 Silver coin or Silver coin 15 Copper coin/Achievement points

Based on various assumptions (documented below), I believe that these liquid assets account for about 70% of the average value of points, about 40% of the value of the small tiers, and nearly 80% the value of the massive tiers.

Detailed Analysis[edit]

Pending enough time to post the details.


Pending enough time to post the details.