Wizard Lightning Finisher

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Appearance when used to finish a foe.

Unlock this finisher by discovering it in Black Lion Chests.
Magically electrocute your opponent with this finishing move for WvW and PvP.

— In-game description

Wizard Lightning Finisher.png  Wizard Lightning Finisher is a finisher.



  • The wizard wears a mix of different light armors and wields both a modified Guild Pillar Staff and Krytan Sword.
Piece Skin Skin code
Helm Winged Headpiece.pngWinged Headpiece
Shoulders Heritage Mantle.pngHeritage Mantle
Coat Illustrious Doublet.pngIllustrious Doublet
Gloves Seer Gloves.pngSeer Gloves
Leggings Sorcerer's Pants.pngSorcerer's Pants
Boots Illustrious Footwear.pngIllustrious Footwear
Staff Guild Pillar.pngGuild Pillar
Sword Krytan Sword.pngKrytan Sword