“Knowledge is power, but how you use that power is the true question.
— Aishani
Aishani was born to her parents in 1500 DR in Divinity's Reach. Her parents were commoners made rich through her father's ingenious weapon crafting. Some of the finest staffs, pistols, and scepters in all of Tyria were crafted by Aishani's father. Even with all the money in the world, Aishani and her family stayed very quite and content in their mansion just outside the outskirts of the city. When she reached just three years of age she was placed into one of the most prestigious schools in Tyria, it is here that Aishani gained a respect for scholars throughout the world.
At 16, Aishani was considered the best and brightest at her school. She had an absolute fascination with Asuran technologies and attempted to pursue her dreams of attending an Asuran college, but she was shot down. Told that she would never be intelligent enough to join an Asuran college, she was heartbroken... but not for very long. Aishani prepared documentation and experimentation for a machine that she called the "Spectral Converter". She worked tirelessly for nearly five years on the project and it paid off...
At 21 she completed her creation. The Spectral Converter was a fascinating piece of technology that could have revolutionized the way modern teleportation was used. Her claim was that the Asura gate system was "big, bulky, buggy, and took far to long to build". The converter was essentially a portable Asura gate that could allow for teleportation to specific coordinates that the user could input through magical means. It also featured the ability for nations to restrict access to certain places (to avoid teleportation into restricted areas), the ability to be able to track where the users had gone (through magical means), and a brilliantly designed cup holder. The Asura were extremely impressed by this accomplishment and asked that she share the technology with the Asura so they could study how it worked and implement it as a new gate system. However, Aishani declined... she had already been approached by a mysterious order to share the technology with them. No one knows what the order could have offered her that would make her decline sharing the invention with the world but whatever it was, it must have been good.
Aishani joined the Order of Vain in 1521 DR, not even three weeks after he invention had been revealed. Six years later, Aishani was given the honor of becoming a Bringer in the order.
Present Day[edit]
The Asura constantly request that she release the converter publicly, but she continues to decline even to this day. No one has seen the converter in 7 years, but many speculate that it is used within the order. All attempts to replicate the converter have failed, although the Asura known as Vark has come very close.
Currently, Aishani acts as one of the three Bringers of the Order of Vain and a member of their elite council. She heads the division of "Magical and Technological Advancement" (a sub-order in the Order of Vain that is the hub of scholars and inventors that are members) and acts as a liaison between the Asuran people and the Order of Vain.