Living World Season 4 content

Torn Journal Page (Dragonfall)

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Torn Journal Page

Torn Page 2.jpg

Pact Command

Torn Journal Page is an object that can be found next to the Volatile Magic Collector (map icon).pngTraveling Elonian Trader in Pact Command. Interacting with it will award the player with Vision of Allies: Zafirah.


Crystal Desert


Upon interaction

It looks like a page from somebody's journal. The handwriting looks like Zafirah's.

Talk more option tango.png Read on. (Opens book)
Talk end option tango.png I'll pass.


Torn Journal Page

(This appears to be a fragment of a journal.)

There was a vision.

A promise—that we'd win.

My god is dead. Aurene, gone. The warmth of Balthazar's spirit is now just cold, lifeless crystal. Kralkatorrik took her from me, just as his Brand will soon take this world.

I thought that I had finally found...something. A hope that what I was holding on to was real. That it was pure and good.

Maybe it was.

Maybe what I had for that short time between my lowest point and the end of all things was as good as it will ever get for me.

Or maybe the vision that saw me standing there at her side during the final battle against Kralkatorrik was meant as a warning for me [sic] stay away.

There is no solace in what lies ahead. All I can do is look to the past, and I carry it with me wherever I go.

(There appear to have been more pages at one point, but they have been removed.)


Related achievements[edit]


  • This is an excerpt of Zafirah's story in All of Nothing: Requiem. The full story can be found by following the link, and clicking on Zafirah's portrait.