Template:Homestead festival decorations nav

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Navigation template for

{{Homestead festival decorations nav}}
{{Homestead festival decorations nav|<Festival>}}


1 (unnamed parameter)
Required. Festivals: Lunar New Year, Super Adventure Box, Dragon Bash, Festival of the Four Winds, Shadow of the Mad King or Wintersday
Optional. Used if this nav is on top of another decoration nav, for decorations that have more than one categories. To hide "see also" tab. Set to "n" category = n
Optional. Used if this nav is on top of another decoration nav or this is the only nav. Set to "y" priority = y for example: Antique Bell (Handiwork)


{{Homestead festival decorations nav|Shadow of the Mad King|category = n|priority = y}}
{{Homestead festival decorations nav|Wintersday}}