Talk:The End

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Can confirm 100 VM as reward for completion. Clara Fee (talk) 22:18, 17 May 2019 (UTC)

Thank you for the confirmation! —Ventriloquist 11:20, 18 May 2019 (UTC)

Salt on the Wound bug[edit]

It took me the better part of 4 hours to figure out how to solo complete Salt on the Wound with its new "interesting" set of bugs. I tried to describe my findings clearly, but am not sure how to format it nicely since I don't want to interfere with the normal walkthrough instructions on the hope that the silly bugs eventually get fixed.

Apologies for the wall-of-text.

Found an alt strategy for the Salt on the Wound Acheivement[edit]

There's a logic loop where you destroy the first weak point, die to the first waves of crystals, then you reset and destroy the same weak spot over and over to make the threshold of the achievement much lower. Best results seem to be by removing all armour so you take more damage and die in only two hits from the crystals. Reproduction steps: before instance: Remove armour and any gear that gives toughness. Instance starts: Cutscene flies you up to Kralkatorak's head Destroy the weak spot cutscene back to the tail kralk breaks some crystals aim to get hit by every crystal You can get hit by two crystals in a single wave, there's about 0.5 seconds of invincibility after being hit before another hit is registered so sometimes overlapping obstacles will only deal 1 lot of damage. Upon dying the instance starts over and you go back to the cutscene flight to kralk's head.

Testing has found that looping 3-4 times makes the the achievement much easier. Still need to destroy one weakpoint on the underbelly, and each wing.

Further reasearch is on the forums: