Talk:Flamekissed Light Armor Skin
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So I'm being told they pulled the light armor to re-skin it? Ugh... <_< 2 days before the patch I buy my ele human tier 3 pieces. Then this comes out and I cry for wasting all that gold. I go buy some gems for it, and now it's GONE? All I have to say is... FML <_< Rose Of Kali 06:28, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
- Now you have gems for an armor skin you potentially won't like, isn't that great?--Relyk ~ talk < 06:44, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
- Only thing worse than that Rose, would be if you had actually bought the set, used it on the newly bought T3 set and then found out you were going to lose it.... like i just did!... So, now I have lost my T3 set, will lose my new T3 lookalike Flamekissed set and have wasted the 170 ish gold that it cost me to get them. Thankyou very much Anet. }: (
- I know I can get the 800 gems back if I don't like the new skin they bring out but thats not the point, what were they doing in the first place bringing out a set using that T3 skin. Also, I wouldn't have bought the gems in the first place for any other skin. Like, what could be better than the human T3 set other than a T3 lookalike set but that burns and glows. The reason behind why I bought the set was that even though I though it was a crap choice of skin to make a new set from, I thought it would one of those things that we'd just have to "deal with" so I might as well get it. Especially seeing as how I did actualy have the T3 skin already and this new one was the same and better.
Titan Crow 18:37, 28 November 2013 (UTC)
- This may be late, but you could always use Transmutation Splitters --Kristofferus (talk) 00:49, 5 February 2014 (UTC)