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New Kaineng Fishing Tournament (Wu)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the event organized by Tournament Organizer Wu. For the other event with the same name, see New Kaineng Fishing Tournament (Yu).

New Kaineng Fishing Tournament

Event maps
File:Ministry Ward Fishing Tournament.jpg

New Kaineng Fishing Tournament is a level 80 dynamic fishing event that occurs around Ministry Ward.


  • The fishing tournament is underway! Catch as many fish as you can in the allotted time!
  • Total fish caught: x
  • Tournament time remaining: 5:00



The point of the event is to earn more points than your opponents, either by catching more fish or higher quality fish.

  • To participate, it is required to sign up, earning the Tournament Participant.png Tournament Participant effect.
  • The fish can be caught either from open water or the fishing nodes in the event area.
  • Catching fish will grant different amounts of Tournament Points.png Tournament Points:
    • Junk — 0 points
    • Basic — 1 point
    • Fine — 1 point
    • Masterwork — 1 point
    • Rare — 1 points
    • Exotic — 3 points
    • Legendary — 3 points
  • Having the most tournament points grants Frontrunner Status.png Frontrunner Status, which is required to win the tournament (but not necessary to earn rewards).





Event start
Tournament Organizer Wu: It's tournament time! Get ready to cast off...and GO FISH!
Tournament Organizer Wu: Let's get started! No time like the present. Reels ready...and BEGIN!
Tournament Organizer Wu: It's time to get fishing! Everyone, steady yourselves, and...START!
Possible idle chat from Tournament Organizer Wu during event
Tournament Organizer Wu: You'll be living off chum if you keep casting like that!
Tournament Organizer Wu: Fishing: good for the body, the soul, and everything in between!
Tournament Organizer Wu: I've caught more bass in one afternoon than some of these fellas catch all month!
Tournament Organizer Wu: (whistles) Now that's one hell of a catch.
Tournament Organizer Wu: Done like an old pro. Catch a few more, you'll be half as good as me.
Tournament Organizer Wu: You could feed half the harbor with that thing. Nice catch.
Tournament Organizer Wu for the winner
Tournament Organizer Wu: That was some fine fishing outta you, guppy. Or should I say "Fishmaster." Congrats!
Tournament Organizer Wu: Now everyone who passes my fish shack will know who the ace angler is in town. After me, of course.
Tournament Organizer Wu: Almost forgot: here, it's good for two, so bring a hot date. And if I'm busy, I'm sure you can find somebody else.
Tournament Organizer Wu for other participants
Tournament Organizer Wu: Annnnd time's up! Thanks for coming out! You all gave a fine effort, and that's nothing to sneeze at.
