Mistfire Wolf (NPC)

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Mistfire Wolf

2012 September Mistfire Wolf.jpg


Mistfire Wolf concept art.png

Concept art.

The Mistfire Wolf is a spirit wolf that can be summoned by using the  Mistfire Wolf.png Mistfire Wolf elite skill.

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Leap - Basic attack. Leaps to target foe. Deals 700-800 base damage. Either inflicts burning or chilled for 1 second.
  • Mistfire Storm - Drops 5 mistfire shards around target foe’s location. Each shard deals 600 base damage, chill for 4 seconds and set the targets on fire for 3 seconds (note that the shards strike different locations, which makes it very unlikely that a single target would get hit by all shards).
  • Ride the Mistfire - Melee attack. Leaps to target foe, deals 1200 damage and inflicts burning for 1 second.