Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Maguuma Fractal Research

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Maguuma Fractal Research

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Maguuma Fractal Research is an object located in Wizard's Ascent within the Skywatch Archipelago. It is found in the same room as the Faction Provisioner, which is accessible by walking directly south from Beacon of Ages Waypoint.


Horn of Maguuma


Maguuma Fractal Research

We have allowed a significant amount of time to pass since last observing the progression of the Maguuma fractal, and the overgrowth we saw before has continued as predicted. The inhabitants of the jungle have grown in size and ferocity as they've adapted to these new conditions, and a sort of equilibrium among species has been reached. It seems that even under extreme conditions, life in Tyria survives.

Conclusion: While ley-line instability still represents a meaningful concern, Tyria remains remarkably resilient. It appears likely that some version of Tyrian life would survive even in our worst projections. However, the experiment is worth continuing in order to study the long-tail effects.