Lucky Red Bag/Drop rate

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This page is for recording items received from the Lucky Red Bag. The values at the bottom of the page, i.e. the totals and averages, are updated automatically.

This table has been setup to use a manual total for each line — i.e. the number of boxes opened. This allows you to write down the initial number of boxes, open them all, and then count up the number of items you have received.

To add data, edit the page and copy the referenced new line format at the end of the table. If you already have a line, edit that instead.

Lucky Red Bag 2021 Magic Find Boost.png Golden Ox Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Ox Lantern.png Lucky Great Ox Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png Signature
User entries
32000 932 0 0 181 225 220 228 236 229 409 17 34667 639
800 960 0 0 5 3 6 9 4 11 9 2 849 10
500 334 0 0 0 2 3 3 4 2 3 0 582 6
500 399 0 0 2 4 8 5 4 6 3 0 554 5
500 469 0 0 2 1 5 8 4 4 1 2 533 11
500 569 0 0 0 0 3 1 4 1 5 0 544 9
500 669 0 0 1 2 0 3 3 3 5 0 537 16
500 769 0 0 0 1 9 6 2 10 5 0 550 8
500 969 0 0 1 2 5 4 2 3 9 0 522 10
1398 315 0 0 3 10 9 13 23 16 10 0 1530 23
3156 919 0 0 11 26 22 22 26 28 38 7 3473 41
1500 660 0 0 1 14 14 16 14 7 11 2 1611 20
3000 670 0 0 10 25 29 9 25 16 23 5 3230 46
6800 810 0 0 32 46 42 55 40 39 0 0 7374 140
70000 964 0 0 365 512 490 431 497 460 953 31 76257 1376
122154 10408 0 0 614 873 865 813 888 835 1484 66 132813 2360  
Per container: 0.09 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 1.09 0.02
Magic Find Boost.png Golden Ox Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Ox Lantern.png Lucky Great Ox Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png

This page is for recording items received from the Lucky Red Bag. The values at the bottom of the page, i.e. the totals and averages, are updated automatically.

This table has been setup to use a manual total for each line — i.e. the number of boxes opened. This allows you to write down the initial number of boxes, open them all, and then count up the number of items you have received.

To add data, edit the page and copy the referenced new line format at the end of the table. If you already have a line, edit that instead.

Lucky Red Bag 2022 Magic Find Boost.png Golden Tiger Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Tiger Lantern.png Lucky Great Tiger Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png Signature
User entries
2910 632 0 0 7 22 19 28 22 34 27 2 3172 64
2910 632 0 0 7 22 19 28 22 34 27 2 3172 64  
Per container: 0.22 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 1.09 0.02
Magic Find Boost.png Golden Tiger Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Tiger Lantern.png Lucky Great Tiger Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png

This page is for recording items received from the Lucky Red Bag. The values at the bottom of the page, i.e. the totals and averages, are updated automatically.

This table has been setup to use a manual total for each line — i.e. the number of boxes opened. This allows you to write down the initial number of boxes, open them all, and then count up the number of items you have received.

To add data, edit the page and copy the referenced new line format at the end of the table. If you already have a line, edit that instead.

Lucky Red Bag 2023 Magic Find Boost.png Golden Rabbit Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Rabbit Lantern.png Lucky Great Rabbit Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png Signature
User entries
989 000 0 0 2 10 5 11 7 12 11 0 1029 18
500 241 0 0 1 1 6 2 3 5 3 0 584 9
191316 750 11 0 759 1488 1403 1451 1448 1530 1793 84 237031 3388
25813 750 1 0 104 205 211 190 195 215 250 11 28405 477
218618 1741 12 0 866 1704 1625 1654 1653 1762 2057 95 267049 3892  
Per container: 0.01 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 1.22 0.02
Magic Find Boost.png Golden Rabbit Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Rabbit Lantern.png Lucky Great Rabbit Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png

This page is for recording items received from the Lucky Red Bag. The values at the bottom of the page, i.e. the totals and averages, are updated automatically.

This table has been setup to use a manual total for each line — i.e. the number of boxes opened. This allows you to write down the initial number of boxes, open them all, and then count up the number of items you have received.

To add data, edit the page and copy the referenced new line format at the end of the table. If you already have a line, edit that instead.

Lucky Red Bag 2024 Magic Find Boost.png Golden Dragon Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Dragon Lantern.png Lucky Great Dragon Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png Signature
User entries
45000 604 11 2 117 376 360 381 331 458 275 12 49231 697
3384 750 0 0 17 21 30 24 21 18 36 1 3689 59
1000 360 1 0 4 6 9 9 8 5 3 1 1076 16
16500 706 0 0 53 121 154 122 129 134 62 4 17913 285
10000 750 0 0 29 67 78 92 87 66 86 7 11001 176
75884 3170 12 2 220 591 631 628 576 681 462 25 82910 1233  
Per container: 0.04 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 1.09 0.02
Magic Find Boost.png Golden Dragon Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Dragon Lantern.png Lucky Great Dragon Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png

This page is for recording items received from the Lucky Red Bag. The values at the bottom of the page, i.e. the totals and averages, are updated automatically.

This table has been setup to use a manual total for each line — i.e. the number of boxes opened. This allows you to write down the initial number of boxes, open them all, and then count up the number of items you have received.

To add data, edit the page and copy the referenced new line format at the end of the table. If you already have a line, edit that instead.

Lucky Red Bag 2025 Magic Find Boost.png Golden Snake Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Snake Lantern.png Lucky Great Snake Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png Signature
User entries
66390 750 4 0 285 530 512 498 515 494 681 29 72284 1257
1888 564 0 0 7 21 18 15 17 0 14 1 2117 28
7000 344 0 0 12 70 57 63 56 59 36 0 7811 109
20383 750 1 0 77 159 147 163 145 165 200 3 22334 369
1785 526 1 0 5 19 15 21 19 22 17 1 1925 34
17745 750 0 0 62 144 141 122 146 131 175 8 19467 324
42050 750 4 0 227 265 343 318 335 291 415 17 45293 785
10000 750 0 0 44 74 61 72 73 72 113 3 10992 206
4566 608 2 1 15 47 39 38 33 43 45 2 4930 74
32500 750 0 0 152 255 240 264 238 234 336 13 35265 585
204307 6542 12 1 886 1584 1573 1574 1577 1511 2032 77 222418 3771  
Per container: 0.03 0 0 0 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0 1.09 0.02
Magic Find Boost.png Golden Snake Figurine.png Ornamental Golden Trophy.png Delicious Rice Ball.png Fried Golden Dumpling.png Spring Roll.png Steamed Red Dumpling.png Sweet Bean Bun.png Lucky New Year Firework.png Lucky Snake Lantern.png Lucky Great Snake Lantern.png Red Festival Lantern.png Beautiful Gold-Leaf Festival Lantern.png