Ingun Grimsdottir
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Ingun Grimsdottir can be found in the cemetery along the eastern wall of the Shelter Rock cave. She stands guard over the graves of various outsiders who have chosen to be buried after death, rather than burned atop a traditional norn funeral pyre.
- Have you come to visit a lost friend?
- Yes. When an outsider who lived in Hoelbrak dies, we honor their last wish. Sometimes, that means bringing them here.
- Exactly. Some visitors from foreign lands prefer to be buried, but we can't chip away the frozen ground, so we lay them under stone cairns instead.
- (If not norn)
- Yes, some norn chose this instead of the more traditional pyre.
- What do you do here? (same as below)
- Thank you for answering my questions.
Are any of your people laid beneath these stones?
- I make sure wolves don't disturb the stones.
- I see.
What do you do here?
- Thank you for answering my questions.
They choose this over a pyre?
- I see.
So this is a graveyard?
- Just passing through.