Help Selsda Bearfriend hunt down minotaurs to feed the Kodan refugees

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Help Selsda Bearfriend hunt down minotaurs to feed the Kodan refugees

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Selsda Bearfriend hunt down minotaurs to feed the Kodan refugees is a level 66 event in Highland Thaw.


  • Minotaurs hunted
  • Event bar.jpg
  • Massive Minotaur
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 8,967 Experience.png 315 Karma 73 Copper coin
Silver 7,622 Experience.png 268 Karma 62 Copper coin
Bronze 6,726 Experience.png 237 Karma 55 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 66 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before event starts.

Selsda Bearfriend: I assume you'll need a large supply, so I'll need a team to help me carry it.
Verse of Might: Do what you must, but the winds of death press heavily upon us.
Selsda Bearfriend: All right. Anyone able and willing, follow me!

Before massive minotaur spawns.

Selsda Bearfriend: This should do for now. Let's gather up what we can—"
Selsda Bearfriend: What was that?
Selsda Bearfriend: Woah! Is that massive beast a minotaur? We'll never get out of here while it's around.

After successful completion.

Selsda Bearfriend: We handled that surprise pretty well. It's a good thing I can improvise in a sticky situation.
Selsda Bearfriend: Now, let's hurry back before anything else shows up.

On arrival back at Haymal Gore.

Selsda Bearfriend: We've got a whole mess of meat for you and yours. You should've seen the monstrous minotaur we fought for this haul!
Verse of Might: Our gratitude is endless. When we are able to return home, you must visit us and let us repay you.
Selsda Bearfriend: Thanks for the offer, but I'm no traveler. Take care of your people, friend.