Help Ploint collect raptor eggs for his experiment

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Help Ploint collect raptor eggs for his experiment

Interactive map

Interactive map

Help Ploint collect raptor eggs for his experiment is a level 9 dynamic event that occurs in Akk Wilds.


  • Raptor Eggs
  • Event bar.jpg Raptor Egg.png
  • Your contribution: x
  • Raptor egg experiment beginning in: 0:50


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 664 Experience.png 58 Karma 14 Copper coin
Silver 381 Experience.png 50 Karma 12 Copper coin
Bronze 336 Experience.png 44 Karma 10 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 9 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Before event
Ploint: I've got a plan that will revolutionize home security for the new millennium!
Ploint: Bring me all the raptor eggs you can find. You can find. You know what they say: you scratch my back, I pay you.
During event
Ploint: Bring me the eggs. But try to avoid their mothers' teeth. Or any other part of their mothers, for that matter.
Ploint: Any plan that involves raptors is, by design, foolproof. I'm an unmitigated genius!
After collecting enough
Ploint: This will be enough eggs. The prime candidate is definitely in this pile.
Ploint: It's nice to have someone help who's not totally and completely incompetent—for once.


  • Nine eggs are required to complete this event if done alone.