Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Field Notes

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Field Notes

Book 2.jpg

Mother of Stars
(Skywatch Archipelago)

Field Notes is a book found in the Mother of Stars story step. It is located on a platform next to the stairs in the courtyard.

Story involvement[edit]

Secrets of the Obscure story[edit]


Field Notes: On the Observatory

The fractals are completely realized now. It's just incredible to witness. I'm headed to the observatory later today with Dagda to run a few experiments but I've an...acute sense of dread. My blood refuses to still. I've never been to the observatory myself, so I've no reason to be anxious, but... I can't shake these feelings, although it's challenging to articulate them. Maybe I'm ill...? I haven't taken a day to myself in weeks.

Apparently the observatory was one of the first "manufactured" or "conjured" fractals, so I'm at least curious to see inside at least. Isgarren and Waiting Sorrow used it to observe the other fractals as they formed, whether created or naturally occuring. Seer magic. Dagda is hopeful (or maybe desperate) that we can learn something inside, but that's starting to feel like false hope...

Zojja made it sound completely nonfunctional, but Dagda's become progressively more...erratic over the past few days. Poring over Sorrow's notes, looking for things that aren't there. I know she misses her mentor, but I really need mine.

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