Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds content

Distant Memory (Astral Projection)

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Distant Memory is an astral projection of Distant Memory found in the Convergence: Mount Balrior. If given enough essence, they can dispel Frozen Soil, reviving all players in Wisp Form.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Mighty
  • Channels Elemental Etchings

DefianceDefiance bar teal.png

  • Memory Projection.png Astral Projection - Distant Memory is projecting an image of themselfs while channeling from base camp.  Approaching this projection will allow you to deposit calibrated essence to increase thumper synchronization and help dispel Frozen Soil. When this effect expires, the projection will vanish. (During thumpers)
  • Memory Projection.png Astral Projection - Distant Memory is projecting an image of themselfs while channeling from base camp.  Approaching this projection will allow you to deposit calibrated essence to increase thumper synchronization and help dispel Frozen Soil. (During Decima)