Defend Severed Breach from the Flame Legion

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Defend Severed Breach from the Flame Legion

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defend Severed Breach from the Flame Legion is a level 61 dynamic event that takes place in Pig Iron Mine.


  • Defend Severed Breach
  • Event bar.jpg Event flag red (map icon).png
  • Flame Legion waves killed: x/9


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 6,873 Experience.png 293 Karma 68 Copper coin
Silver 5,842 Experience.png 249 Karma 58 Copper coin
Bronze 5,155 Experience.png 220 Karma 51 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 61 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.


On event start.

Engineer Derris Roteye: Do you hear that?
Engineer Rawscowl: I do. They're coming.
Engineer Derris Roteye: We can't let Flame Legion troops take the fort.
Engineer Rawscowl: They won't have it without a fight.

On successful completion.

Engineer Rawscowl: We did it! Severed Breach was snatched from Flame hands.
Engineer Derris Roteye: Right. Let's get back to making these weapons fully functional. Then, we'll show 'em.


  • This event will repeat until it fails.