Collect magical ice blocks and bring them to Ulfred

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Collect magical ice blocks and bring them to Ulfred

Interactive map

Interactive map

Collect magical ice blocks and bring them to Ulfred is a level 4 event that takes place in The Grekvelnn Burrows.



Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 344 Experience.png 36 Karma Copper coin
Silver 293 Experience.png 31 Karma Copper coin
Bronze 258 Experience.png 27 Karma Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 4 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Ulfred: My masterwork must to be convincing. Get me blocks of enchanted ice.
Once he has all the ice he needs
Ulfred: A triumph! I have the ice to build a god for the grawl.
Ulfred: If you have any more ice, just hand it to me.


The completion of this event causes Adis to leave her spot.