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Binding the Net of Sidereal

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Binding the Net of Sidereal

Shelved Book 2.jpg

Bastion of Knowledge

Binding the Net of Sidereal is a book found on the upper floor of the Grand Library of Amnytas.


Horn of Maguuma


Binding the Net of Sidereal

A. Hawthorn (signed 719)

Following many instances of trauma where one or more ward members have fallen to their demise, Dagda and Isgarren have crafted what they are calling the "Net of Sidereal." As far as I can tell, this net extends from the spire itself and—by using some aura-tracing sensibilities—it is then able to determine when someone has fallen too far from the bounds of Amnytas. It pulls them back to a sensible height, gently placing them on safe ground once again.

Many ward members are reacting by jumping from their bastions, eager to test new magic. While I appreciate their taste for research, this archivist will not be participating.

Related achivements[edit]


  • This is a nod to the in-game mechanic that teleports players to safety when they fall out of bounds in Amnytas.