Ballista (Silverwastes)

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The Ballista is a siege weapon, normally employed to destroy other siege weapons. This particular structure is being used to defend the siege carrier at the Vinewrath's central assault lane .


Maguuma Wastes

Event involvement[edit]

Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Protect the siege carrier and its ammunition (80)
Event shield red (map icon).png [Group Event] Protect the siege carrier and its ammunition (80)


# Skill Activation time Recharge time Description
1 Fire (Ballista).png Fire 3 Fire a ballista arrow through approaching foes. Inflicts double damage on siege weapons.
2 Fire Shattering Bolt.png Fire Shattering Bolt 8 Fire a ballista arrow that splinters on contact, bleeding nearby targets.
3 Fire Reinforced Shot.png Fire Reinforced Shot 15 Fire a reinforced ballista bolt that pierces targets. Does extra damage to siege equipment.
4 Spread Shot.png Spread Shot 15 Fire a spread of bolts through foes. Does double damage to siege weapons.


  • This Ballista can be repaired by using Repair Hammers from the nearby Box of Repair Hammers.
  • WvW bonuses do not apply to this ballista, as its skills have different ID numbers than those used in WvW.