Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure content

Ancient Scroll (object)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the object. For the inventory item, see Ancient Scroll (item).

Ancient Scroll

Scroll (Inner Nayos).jpg

The War Council
(Inner Nayos)
Other images

Ancient Scroll map.jpg

Click to enlarge.

Ancient Scroll is an interactable object found near Isolated Grasslands. It is one of five objects to be found for a story step in The War Council.

Story involvement[edit]

Secrets of the Obscure story[edit]


Delicate Scroll

Judging by the fragile nature of the parchment, this scroll must be ancient in origin. The language is unknown and only legible via the Heart of the Obscure, though you do recognize symbols associated with Janthir.

The magic of this world courses with the power of our people, and this power can be turned against those who would defy us. When we march to war, the land comes with us, our home forever in our arsenal. Woe to those who would block our path, for they will face not just sword and claw, but the very essence of Nayos itself. Where we go, they will kneel. As it must be.

Related achievements[edit]

  • Inner Nayos- Nyedra Surrounds (achievements).png The Realm of Dreams: Astral Ward ArsenalFind all the ancient artifacts in Nyedra Surrounds to learn new weapon proficiencies. Players can also unlock this achievement by purchasing the artifacts in WvW from the Heroics Notary vendor. (1Achievement points)