Stranger (historical)

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Strangers were various NPCs that can be found in Bazaar Docks in Labyrinthine Cliffs.


Historical location[edit]

Maguuma Jungle


Asuran Stranger: I'm half afraid to try any of the food here and half thrilled to try something exotic.
Asuran Stranger: Keep one hand on your purse. I just saw someone get pickpocketed.
Hylek Stranger: (laugh) Did you see that? Never in my life have I seen such a thing!
Hylek Stranger: My kind of magic doesn't use those kinds of foci. I'm a little sickened.
Norn Stranger: I'm surprised all of Lion's Arch isn't here.
Norn Stranger: Do you think we could visit the Zypher Sanctum?
Human Stranger: Some of these people are scary. Do you think they're pirates?
Human Stranger: I hope my mother likes the powdered harpy wig I bought her.
Human Stranger: I simply had to buy it. It was so odd!
Human Stranger: C'mon can't you try a bit harder? That look on your face is scaring folks away.
Human Stranger: Look alive. Here comes a sucker.
Human Stranger: Welcome to the bizarre bazaar! Shop, haggle and browse your way to a better you!
Human Stranger: Where'd you put my revolver? Oh, I see it. Good. Just in case.
Human Stranger: We've already paid for the trip. The rest is ours to keep.
Zephyrite: Hi. Are you a charr?
Charr Stranger: Yep. Sure am.
Zephyrite: I've never seen one before. The stories all say charr are super scary, but I don't think you're scary.
Charr Stranger: Excuse me? I'm plenty scary!
Zephyrite: I dunno. I think you're beautiful. Your fur is pretty great!
Charr Stranger: I am not beautiful! Though, my fur is pretty great, isn't it? (chuckle) See ya 'round, cub.
Asuran Stranger: I really must know. How exactly is it that your city floats? I don't see any turqoplasm or fizzarrays.
Zephyrite: It's magic. Magic of the most ancient kind.
Asuran Stranger: Uh, okay. But, what's your propulsion system? Do you use powered kineogyros or...
Zephyrite: We harness the wind to buoy us and the lightning to give us direction.
Zephyrite: Without wind, we'd fall. Without lightning, we'd stagnate. Without sunshine, we'd starve. All work in harmony.
Asuran Stranger: Ah yes, I finally see. It's the Eternal Alchemy! Only more primitive... er, I mean simplistic. Um... no offense.
Zephyrite: You... you remember when you were born?
Syvari Stranger: Why yes! We don't age as you humans do. We emerge fully grown from pods on our mother, the Pale Tree.
Zephyrite: Aspects bless! The world below grows stranger every day.
Human Stranger: I had no idea you Zephyrites were so beautiful. What is it about living in the sky that produces such loveliness?
Zephyrite: Careful, visitor. I was warned about how silver-tongued you land dwellers can be.
Human Stranger: You wound me! I only live to seek balance... and your favor.
Zephyrite: The first must be learned through study. The second, I'm afraid you'll have to live without. Aspects guide you!