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Shoo the whippersnappers off of the old Fangstorm's lawn before he snaps!

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Shoo the whippersnappers off of the old Fangstorm's lawn before he snaps!

Interactive map

Interactive map

Shoo the whippersnappers off of the old Fangstorm's lawn before he snaps! is an event at Soul's Hearth in Grothmar Valley. The goal is to keep Blood Cubs and Miscreants away from Erasmus Fangstorm and his house.


  • Kids shooed off the lawn
  • Event bar.jpg
  • West Lawn
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent flag red.png
  • East Lawn
  • Event bar empty2.jpgEvent flag red.png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.


Interact/"Shoo" Blood Cubs and Miscreants away from Fangstorm's property. You need to keep both the east and west lawns secure by ensuring that there are no cubs or miscreants in each area. Continue to hold these lawns until the last of the kids leave, indicated by the top "Kids shooed off the lawn" bar.

You can't "shoo" Miscreants/Adults off the lawn so easily. They'll become hostile after interacting with them and you have to pacify them.

You don't need to channel the full "shoo" action. Once the fist icon disappears from above the Cub, you can move to cancel the animation. The same goes for the Miscreants, but you still need to defeat them to make them leave.





Event start
Blood Cub: There! He's the charr who was helping that rat-faced asura!
Erasmus Fangstorm: Hey! What're you cubs doing on my land?
Blood Cub: Saw you talking to that asura. Our primus uses their bones to pick his teeth!
Rude remarks by whippersnappers
Miscreant: You don't deserve to live here! You're not a real charr!
Miscreant: We saw you talking to those outsiders!
Miscreant: Real charr die with honor! Real charr go out in glory!
Miscreant: After we're done with you, maybe we'll pay that asura a visit!
Blood Cub: Can't catch us!
Blood Cub: You're too slow!
Blood Cub: Look at that limp!
Blood Cub: (high, mean laughter)
When shooing a Miscreant
Watch yourself, cub.
On successful completion
Blood Cub: My brother just got promoted.
Blood Cub: When I find him, you're gonna be sorry.
Event fail
(Erasmus Fangstorm is crying.)
Erasmus Fangstorm: This is how you treat your veterans?
Blood Cub: C'mon, he learned his lesson.
Blood Cub: And if you keep talking to these outsiders, things are gonna get a lot worse!

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